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About US

Need Vikas Sanstha (NVS) is a registered non-profit organization which encourages voluntary participation towards our three major focus areas: Nutrition, Education, and Employment for Development. We work towards a common cause of rehabilitating and making people’s lives better in the Tribal and Urban areas of Maharashtra. 

Our key areas of operation in the field of Nutrition, Health, and Livelihood are mainly focused on the afflicted tribal regions of Devichipada, Asangaon, Thane, and Maharashtra state. These issues are commonly found in the Urban slum belts of Mumbai as well. The organization was founded in 2005 and has been having meaningful impact and launched various initiatives for marginalized communities. We have been able to reach 3000 indigenous communities through our innovative programs.


NVS organizes various programs like ‘Career Guidance Programs’, Sports competitions, Summer camps for the young students in the slum, and tribal areas of Mumbai and Shahpur Taluka. We have conferred Educational scholarships to needy students in Mumbai. At the same time, we conduct regular health check-up camps for families living in the tribal areas. As and when required, NVS distributes Educational kits to deserving students in the Asangaon region.

In recent times, we have been working on a Nutrition project for children and women in the tribal region of Asangaon area. The project would help in developing the mental and physical health of children and allow them to live a sustainable and healthy life.  

Savitrimai Phule Scholarship Program 2023-24

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